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10 Souvenirs You Should Actually Buy in Europe
Buying a souvenir is the perfect way to commemorate a trip. But instead of accumulating more shot glasses, fridge magnets, and miniature snow globes, consider making a conscious effort to buy souvenirs that actually have a purpose next time you go on an adventure. To get you started, here are 10 souvenirs you should actually buy in Europe.
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7 Abandoned Towns Where You Can Step Into the Past
In all corners of the planet, you can find eerie towns and cities that were once home to thriving communities. Some have been ravaged by natural disasters, some ran out of the resources that fueled their economies, and others have fallen victim to wars. Regardless, today these disused buildings and overgrown landscapes present a fascinating insight into global history and are ripe for exploration.
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9 Iconic Film Locations Around the World
Whether it's the architecture, the history, or the overall beauty, there are some destinations that deserve screen time just to show off. Movie directors are aware that their carefully-chosen sets help tell a story, which is why they scour the globe for the perfect setting for their films. We've put together a list of some jaw-dropping destinations you're sure to recognize from popular movies.
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