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6 Travel Scams to Watch Out For

According to the FTC, there were more than 55,000 reports of travel-related scams in 2023. Here are six common travel scams to look out for before, during, and after your trip.

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7 Historic U.S. Restaurants Worth the Reservation

The oldest eateries in America remind us how people gathered, ate, and drank throughout the decades. From the swinging doors of a Wild West saloon to a fine-dining establishment favored by New Orleans' upper crust, book a table at these historic establishments.

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Flight Attendants Have a Secret Language — Here's How to Decode It

When flying, have you ever heard the crew utter words like "cross check," "all call," or "jump seat"? Such terms may be unfamiliar to the uninformed ear, but it's all part of a coded system used by flight attendants for efficient and often discreet communication. Before your next flight, discover the secret language used by flight attendants.

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