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Daily Discoveries
What to Do If You Miss Your Flight
Airports can be magical, liminal spaces where every visitor is on uneven ground between where they came from and where they're heading. But in these moments, when you're hauling your suitcase through security across miles of airport, towards plane doors that may already be closed, airports may feel like pure evil. If—and when—you miss your flight, here's what you need to know.
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15 Underrated UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Since its inception, UNESCO has identified and preserved dozens of culturally significant sites around the world. From historical buildings to natural marvels, each heritage site is spectacular in its own right. Many UNESCO sites are staples for world travelers, but many countries around the world have their own gorgeous heritage sites that, for the most part, fly under the radar. Be sure to add these 15 to your bucket list.
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10 Things You Didn't Know About the U.S. National Park
With national parks in all 50 states and several U.S. territories, the U.S. National Park Service is expansive. And while everyone knows about Old Faithful in Yellowstone or El Capitan in Yosemite, there is still a lot to discover about the U.S. national parks. From haunted caves to spa-like hot springs, here are 10 things you didn't know about America's national parks.
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