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7 Famous U.S. Landmarks Built for World's Fairs 

Many incredible structures around the world, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Atomium in Brussels, were originally built for world's fairs. Did you know these seven famous U.S. sites were also landmarks built for world's fairs?

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The 8 Most Densely Populated U.S. States

America's 335 million residents are far from distributed equally. While regions like the Great Plains are home to vast, open expanses of land, the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic are a much different story.

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Nature's Sculptures: 9 Unique Rock Formations Around the World

Rock formations have captivated and intrigued humankind for millennia. These spectacular natural sculptures have been formed by millions of years of erosion, often resulting in improbable shapes that teeter over cliff's edges or protrude out of the sea like something from another planet.

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