Hi there,
We love the gym. We love to get it in.
What we don't like?
Smelling like the feet of a thousand soccer players…
We get it…sweating is part of the game…
But what if you could mask the nasty odors?
What if you could still smell your best while smashing your fitness goals?
We just spoke with one of our customers, and he faced the same struggle.
He smelled so bad while exercising that people in the gym avoided him like he was radioactive.
What did he do?
The next time he went to the gym, he sprayed himself with his favorite cologne.
The result?
No more sweaty odors and people running from him.
Plus, he felt more confident and at peace while working out.
We'll let you decide if he started wearing cologne every time he went to the gym.
Anyways, the point of this email is simple:
If you don't like something, CHANGE IT.
If you want bigger muscles, work out.
If you want to be the hottest man in the room, spray your best fragrance, put on your favorite clothes, and go and get what's yours.

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