
Hey, there—Tori here again.

A lot of you have reached out to our team with questions about the membership.

For most questions, you can find the answers HERE!

But there were a few I wanted to address personally.

#1 Where will this membership take us?

Each month will focus on a brand new region or theme that will take you across the Mediterranean to include recipes and journeys in Italy, Greece, Morocco, Turkey, Spain, Israel, and more. With my experiences and guest experts, you'll learn authentic techniques and traditions for preparing meals with flavors and ingredients true to that region. If you've been interested in learning more about Mediterranean cultures, you will fall in love with this membership.
#2 What if I have dietary restrictions?

First and foremost, the Mediterranean "diet" is one of the healthiest in the world. With a foundation of fresh produce, fish, and healthy oils, the Mediteranean lifestyle supports heart health daily.

That said, we are not pushing any diet in particular, and offer a bounty of alternatives to support gluten free or vegan options. Perhaps most importantly, however, is our in-house nutritionist, Lindsea, who can help you navigate the ingredients from day one.
#3 Why invest in a membership when I can get recipes for free online?

Well for one, you purchase cookbooks from chefs you know and trust, right? ✔️
And you want access to EXCLUSIVE recipes not found online publicly - rigorously tested by a culinary team. ✔️
A support system would be nice, to answer your cooking questions promptly. ✔️
Plus there's the community and events you can't be a part of just browsing online. ✔️
And of course, there's the history and cultural experience you get right from your kitchen. ✔️
For only $14.99 a month or $99 for the year <<---- It's a no-brainer investment.

Did I answer your top questions?

If not, remember to check out our FAQs here.

Until next time, may every meal be a journey, and may you never stop exploring.
Kind Regards,

Tori Avey
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Additional photography owned and copyright Tori Avey LLC. All rights reserved. 

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