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Dear Friends,

I want to thank you for all your kind messages and comments over the past few weeks. If I haven't responded, I'm truly sorry... like most of you, the current global situation has changed my day-to-day life quite a bit. We are grateful to be healthy and happy, and I am doing my very best to keep up with everything, but often there just aren't enough hours in the day. I do read your messages, and they help to keep me energized during this strange, challenging period. Thank you!!

To those who celebrate, I hope you had a meaningful Passover and were able to find ways to connect with family and loved ones. I've shared some recipes below that are appropriate for the remaining days of the holiday, while also celebrating the arrival of spring.

CLEANING AND STEAMING ARTICHOKES - This is the ultimate guide for how I usually prepare artichokes for our family. It's the easiest, most straightforward way to make them. Give me a steamed artichoke and a dish of good-quality mayonnaise (or hollandaise) and I'm a very happy camper! TUTORIAL HERE or PIN IT for later. 
JULIA CHILD'S EASY BLENDER HOLLANDAISE SAUCE  - Hollandaise is the perfect compliment to steamed artichokes. If you've ever made it from scratch, you know what a pain it can be. Separation can easily occur, making the sauce a flop. Luckily, Julia and friends have given us a much easier method using an electric blender!  RECIPE HERE or PIN IT for later. 
RASPBERRY CACAO RIPPLE ROCHERS - Rochers are basically meringues except they're a little gooier and not as perfectly round, perfect for an occasional, imperfect baker! Here they are mixed with cocoa powder, cacao nibs, and a swirl of fresh raspberry for a unique and tasty dessert that's also kosher for Passover. RECIPE HERE or PIN IT for later.
QUINOA AVOCADO TABBOULEH - In this modern take on tabbouleh salad, I've lightened up on the chopped herbs and replaced bulgur with quinoa. I've also added ripe avocado and grated cucumber to the mix. Toasted pine nuts and a creamy dairy-free basil dressing take this salad from tasty to entrée-worthy. It's a seriously satisfying meal, packed with protein, healthy fats and lots of flavor. RECIPE HERE or PIN IT for later.
MARINATED ASPARAGUS - Asparagus became widely available in America during Colonial times, and was a particular favorite of Thomas Jefferson. This light asparagus preparation is flavorful and dairy-free.The vinaigrette dressing is mild and infused with fresh thyme. RECIPE HERE or PIN IT for later.
DECORATING WITH SPRING PEONIES -  Spring peonies are starting to bloom, and fresh flowers are a great way to change up your home decor. Can't get your hands on peonies just yet? These tips will work for any of your favorite flowers!  TIPS HERE or PIN IT for later.
LIGHTENED UP EGG SALAD - I developed this recipe for my husband, who asked me to create a lighter version of deli-style egg salad. The result is something we enjoy on a regular basis. It makes a great sandwich or salad topper; it's also great on matzo for those who are still celebrating Passover! RECIPE HERE or PIN IT for later.
Other Recipes You May Have Missed

Homemade Rhubarb Syrup
Prepared Horseradish 3 Ways
Blood Orange Manischewitz Cocktail


For more frequent updates, friend me on Facebook or say hi on Instagram. I'm also on PinterestTwitter, and YouTube.

If you've had a chance to try any of the free recipes I've posted, please leave me a comment and let me know what you think - or post on social media. Be sure to tag @toriavey and add #TorisKitchen so I can see!

Kind Regards,

Tori Avey

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