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Dear Friends,

What a strange week! I think all of us are feeling uncertain in the face of the massive challenges ahead. Whenever we go through difficult times, I find myself in the kitchen. Making a pot of soup from scratch always helps me to feel grounded. I also love the meditative process of baking. Below are some of my favorite soup recipes, and a baking project (with new how to video) to keep you occupied as we enter a period of social distancing. I hope that these recipes offer you some comfort during this tough time. 

Planning for Passover? Check out my Passover Category for recipes, crafts, and more.

EASY HOMEMADE CHICKEN STOCK - Making homemade chicken stock at home is an easy, affordable process. It's healthful, flavorful, and can be sipped on its own to warm up on a cold afternoon, or stored for use in recipes. Some folks consider it particularly healing during cold and flu season. Here's the way I make it... I would love to hear your tips and tricks as well! TUTORIAL HERE or PIN IT for later.
YEMENITE-STYLE MATZO BALL SOUP - Classic Yemenite soup generally features potatoes as the starch of choice, but here I have replaced them with matzo balls for Passover. The medley of Yemenite spices brings classic matzo ball soup to another level. Add a touch of schug and you've got something really unique. RECIPE HERE or PIN IT for later.
KOLACHES - Baking is another activity I find comfort in, and this Kolache recipe is the ultimate, fun baking project. If you have any leftover Hamantaschen fillings from last weeks festivities, they will work perfectly in these!  RECIPE AND VIDEO HERE or PIN IT for later.
MUSHROOM BARLEY SOUPThis robust, filling soup makes a hearty lunch or dinner. Despite being "comfort food," it is surprisingly healthy. Barley is rich in dietary fiber and selenium. The grain also contains beta glucan, a complex sugar that can help to lower cholesterol. RECIPE HERE or PIN IT for later.
SPLIT PEA SOUP With just a few pantry staples, you can make a luscious and warming bowl of split pea soup! I grew up enjoying this soup, it brings back great memories. Recipe inspired by Andersen's Pea Soup in Buellton, CA.  RECIPE HERE or PIN IT for later.
Other Recipes You May Have Missed

Thai-Style Coconut Chicken Soup
Greek Yogurt Snack Dip
Marak Perote - Compote
Lamb and Fava Beans

For more frequent updates, friend me on Facebook or say hi on Instagram. I'm also on PinterestTwitter, and YouTube.

If you've had a chance to try any of the free recipes I've posted, please leave me a comment and let me know what you think - or post on social media. Be sure to tag @toriavey and add #TorisKitchen so I can see!

Kind Regards,

Tori Avey

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