Dear June-thankyou so much for your post-I was thinking about Max a lot yesterday for some reason and then your message popped up!

I do miss my animals so much, and although there are two dogs here it is not at all the same thing, so I really appreciate your updates.

My shoulder is almost back to normal-physio every week and lots of exercises are helping a lot. And my cottage is in the throes of bathroom. new kitchen and a big deck to come.  It is in a truly beautiful position, surrounded by huge trees full of birds and the weather is superb...yesterday was 29 and it is still winter!  I am still in the main house but hope to move in a couple of weeks- all the furniture and stuff arrived on Wednesday and most of it is now unpacked. I must admit that I get quite homesick for the lovely Cotentin and all my friends but doubtless will feel more settled when I am in my own place. And it is a good thing I returned, I think- Miranda's RA has become much worse so I can at least be useful with the laundry, cooking and so on

The new owners of "my" house are certainly making a lot of changes...Trevor tells me that they are pulling out all the bathrooms; replacing the big red kitchen and repainting everything and that the place is full of expensive cars and bikes  He says that he is sure that the place will no longer produce eggs, honey or home grown veg!!

Do give my best to Jill when you see her again-and to anyone else who might like to  be remembered.

Love to you both and a big hug for Max