The tracking number for your delivery is 5017777106611245


You can use this on TNTs website to follow the delivery of your box, please note that it will probably not show any meaningful progress information until Thursday morning.


The tracking website page is at the link below, key your tracking number in the screen in the middle section, top right, just above where it says 'bon de Transport':


We know this looks like a lot of text, but we do advise you to read the following instructions relating to your delivery carefully. They contain some very important information about how delivery companies, like TNT, work in France:


§         Some drivers call you in advance to check you are home, if the phone is not answered he will assume you are not home and will not attempt the delivery. Our suggestion is to keep your phone close to you to avoid missing him.

§         If you are not at home when TNT attempt delivery, the driver will normally automatically deliver your parcel to your nearest Relais (parcel collection point).

§         If the driver can’t find your property he will automatically deliver it to your nearest Relais.

§         The Relais delivery points are normally no more that 12km from your home and often will be in your own commune (except if you live in a remote area). Please don't worry about these occurrences, most parcels do go direct to homes, we are providing information in this email so that in the unlikely event that it does happen you understand the process that the drivers follow.

§         If your parcel does go to a Relais, the address information will be available on TNT's website and it is your responsibility to collect it at your earliest convenience. TNT will not redeliver it for you.

§         The fresh products are very well protected in their special packaging, proven for safe keeping of chilled goods for 4 days and more. If you cannot collect your parcel until the following day, the products will be safe. We would however prefer that it is with you as soon as possible so that you can start to enjoy your goodies.

§         Lastly, if your parcel has any signs of damage and if it looks like the seal of the coldness in the box has been broken (for example, any TNT tape on it) then please check it carefully for damage of the goods inside before accepting the box. Your product is not insured if you accept the box and then wish to make a claim for damage afterwards. If you believe the goods are damaged then you should refuse your box. If this unlikely event occurs and you are not sure what to do call us whilst the driver is there.


We hope you enjoy your order, Kindest regards,





Jeremy Cooper

Epicerie Barenton

The home of Barenton Bangers & Barenton Bacon

Order on line for home delivery all over France