> Message du 02/02/11 12:43
> De : "jane manfrinato"
> A : chris.leb.07@hotmail.fr, "john.garrett@orange.fr" , jpmaurizio@hotmail.com, "ken" , lynda.frost@wanadoo.fr, "mike and pat robinson" , "robert and june beckett" , stefaniarowlands@hotmail.com, "trisha haslam" , sylviajunge@hotmail.com, "tom"
> Copie à :
> Objet : FW: Nude Men Clock






This is a masterpiece!!!

This is extremely clever and it does actually work, in BOTH formats!!!!

And actually on correct time.


Don’t miss the human clock. Fantastic

> .

Click anywhere in the clock and it becomes digital, another click and it returns to normal.





































