Some pseudo acronyms were based on abbreviations at one point, but the original word or phrase is no longer used.
Receiving too many emails? I would like less mail
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DVD player with disk
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7 Pseudo Acronyms and How They Developed

Some pseudo acronyms were based on abbreviations at one point, but the original word or phrase is no longer used. Have you been fooled by any of these pseudo acronyms?

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letters of the alphabet with verb speech bubble
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When Would You Use This Super-Rare Verb Tense?

Future perfect continuous in the passive voice is indeed a legitimate verb tense, but its complexity makes it an elusive part of the English language, rarely seen outside the walls of a classroom.

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Girl drawing with crayons on the wall
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Was the "Writing on the Wall" an Actual Message?

The phrase "writing on the wall" has warned of impending trouble for centuries, tracing back to the Bible. Learn how this ancient story shaped the figurative meaning we use today.

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Celebrities and photographers on the red carpet
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What's the Difference Between "Famous" and "Infamous"?

The distinction between "famous" and "infamous" is a common pitfall for even the most meticulous grammarists. The first refers to widespread adoration, while the latter denotes a reputation for wrongdoing.

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New Jersey Topographic Map
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Your Slang Reveals Where You're From

People around the country have different words for the same things. Test your American slang knowledge with some of these terms.

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