Can you pronounce anadromous?
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adjective 1. (Of a fish such as the salmon) Migrating up rivers from the sea to spawn.
Play Button "Oregon's Willamette River contains many anadromous fish."
Play Button "Anadromous creatures spend part of their life in fresh water and part in the ocean."
Play Button "Salmon's anadromous nature lends itself to metaphors about difficulty."
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Greek, mid-18th century
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Why This Word?
The adjective "anadromous" is demonstrated by a common metaphor for difficult activities: fish swimming against the current, or swimming upstream. "Anadromous" comes from the Greek "anadromos," with "ana-" meaning "up" and "dromos" meaning "running." Anadromous fish, such as Chinook salmon, are born in fresh water and migrate to the ocean as juveniles. ...
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