Rules were made to be broken, and that's especially true with grammar.
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Grammar Star divider 4 MIN READ Star divider
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5 Outdated Grammar Rules To Break

Rules were made to be broken, and that's especially true with grammar. The next time you're facing writer's block, break free from your grammar bonds and embrace doing something different.

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Why You Whet Your Appetite but Wet Your Whistle

Why do we "make do" instead of "make due," or wait with "bated breath" rather than "baited breath"? The answers lie in the origins of these historical homophones.

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Is "GIF" Pronounced "Jiff" or "Giff"?

For nearly 40 years, the pronunciation of "GIF" has divided technophiles. According to major dictionaries, both sides of the debate say "GIF" correctly, but that isn't the whole story.

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Businessman covers face with hand.
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What Makes a Slip of the Tongue Freudian?

"A Freudian slip is saying one thing when you mean your mother." So goes a famous joke. But why do we sometimes say one thing when we mean another? These accidental slip-ups are usually just a mistake, but they've been used to hilarious effect in TV and movies.

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Can You Use "Literally" Figuratively?

Do you literally mean "literally," or do you mean "figuratively"? Even the most well-respected dictionaries have loosened up the restrictions on "literally."

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