1. Portray (someone) in the style of a vignette. 2. Produce (a photograph) in the style of a vignette by softening or shading away the edges of the subject.
1. A brief evocative description, account, or episode. 2. A small illustration or portrait photograph which fades into its background without a definite border. 3. A small ornamental design filling a space in a book or carving, typically based on foliage.
"The TV show's premiere opened with a vignette of a flashback to the main character's childhood."
"Sandra's stories from her college years were a perfect vignette of life in the Midwest."
"The author vignetted her family members in the collection of short stories."
French, mid-18th century
"Vignette" comes from the same word in French, which fuses "vigne," meaning "vine," with the diminutive suffix "-ette," meaning "little." The term was originally used in architecture to describe ornamental vine carvings, but was then used in mid-18th-century book publishing for the botanical-inspired ornamental drawings on chapter headings. ...
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