In the event of a worldwide catastrophe, it might be up to Svalbard to rebuild society and replenish the planet.

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Svalbard Global Seed Vault

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In the event of a worldwide catastrophe, it might be up to Svalbard to rebuild society and replenish the planet.

Completed in 2008, the Global Seed Vault in this remote Norwegian archipelago protects approximately 1.3 million seed duplicates from nearly every country, securing our future food supply. With many global crops vulnerable to threats such as war and climate change, this vault provides a crucial backup, housing 500 samples of each global crop variety in custom foil packages that are stored at nearly 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The vault isn't open to the public, but visitors can admire the exterior of the building — which extends nearly 500 feet directly into a frost-covered mountainside on the island of Spitsbergen — via hiking, biking, and driving tours.

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