Can you pronounce malheureusement?
Word Daily
November 25, 2024
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adverb 1. Unfortunately.
Play Button "Malheureusement, we won't be able to attend the Christmas party, but we hope to make it for New Year's."
Play Button "I was almost to the register when — malheureusement — I realized I forgot my wallet at home."
Play Button "Malheureusement, the hotel doesn't allow pets, but we can leave Charlie at my sister's house."
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French, early 19th century
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Why This Word?
Malheureusement, not all dictionaries have remembered the charm of using this French adverb in standard English. The word "malheureusement" (meaning "unfortunately") entered English usage in the 1800s when it was fashionable to drop French words into conversation, but it didn't have the lasting power of words such as "café" or "bon appétit." ...
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