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Why Is It Called a Baked Alaska? How 5 Foods Got Their Names

Have you ever wondered why it's called a baked Alaska and not a baked New York? Or why Hollandaise sauce is named after Holland when it originated in France? When food is named after a specific place, the reasoning behind the name isn't always straightforward.

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10 Most-Visited Tourist Destinations in the U.S.

Over 50 million international travelers visit the U.S. each year, not to mention the millions more domestic travelers who cross state lines to see the many unique sites across 50 states. But which attractions stand above the rest? Check out 10 of America's most-visited tourist destinations.

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What the Data Says About the Best Times to Book Flights

No one likes missing out on a great airfare deal or paying more than the passenger seated next to them. So, we took a look at whether there's really a perfect time to book a flight — and here's what the data says.

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