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The Secret Language of Airline Pilots

What do pilots mean when they say "Zulu," refer to someone named "George," or even use an expression like "flying dirty"? Though these terms may sound unfamiliar to the untrained ear, they're all part of a coded language that pilots use to communicate. Here are some popular terms that make up the "secret" language of airline pilots.

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The Best Ways to Get Priority Boarding on Your Next Flight

Boarding a flight can be a stressful experience, especially if you need to find overhead bin space for your carry-on bag. Wondering how to skip the queue and board earlier on your next flight? Here are the best ways to get priority boarding.

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7 of the Most Bizarre Landforms on the Planet

You don't need to travel deep into the cosmos to discover otherworldly sights. Here on Earth, curious travelers can find an abundance of strange natural attractions that appear to belong to another planet.

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