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Would You Board This "Mystery Flight" to a Secret Destination?

Before you visit a new destination, it's likely that you spend a significant amount of time researching it. But what if you threw all that out the window and embraced your spontaneous side? A group of adventurous passengers recently boarded a flight to a city only the pilots knew of beforehand — here's how it played out.

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The Billionaire's Playground: 6 Fascinating Facts About Monaco

From its lavish casinos to world-famous auto races, Monaco has a thriving cultural scene that attracts thousands of high-rolling tourists each year. Here are six fascinating facts about Monaco you might not know.

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5 Hard-to-Reach Natural Wonders That Are Worth the Effort

Some places are so wild and special that access must be limited. Here are five hard-to-reach natural wonders in the U.S. that will make any outdoor lover feel like they've won the lottery.

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