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How to Score a First Class Upgrade for Cheaper Than You Think

Cramped seats, packed overhead bins, tiny bags of pretzels (if anything at all) — it's all par for the course when it comes to flying these days. But while that may be true of economy class, it's a much different story if you're lucky enough to be flying in first class. You might be surprised to learn that there are ways to score that seat upgrade for less than you think.

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Have You Been to These 6 Rarely Visited Countries?

Though the number of truly off-the-beaten path places to visit is dwindling as global tourism booms, there are a handful of countries where you can still immerse yourself in local culture without hordes of other tourists.

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7 Beautiful Abandoned Places That Have Become Tourist Attractions

Abandoned places have a mystical attraction to many travelers. Fortunately, not all deserted places are left to complete ruin.

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