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5 Things You Should Always Do After a Long Flight

While the drawbacks of flying — from missed sleep while switching time zones to enduring cramped seating and dry cabin air — are worth the reward, it's important to take care of yourself after a flight. With the help of health experts, we've gathered five of the most important postflight self-care rituals.

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Do You Know Which Places These Food and Drinks Are Named For?

Did you know seltzer is named after a specific town? The same goes for sherry wine and even Fig Newtons — indeed, many of our favorite foods and drinks are named after specific places. Think you know the ins and outs of food origins? Put your knowledge to the test at our Optimism sister site, Travel Quiz, and see how high you score in this reader-favorite quiz!

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7 Essential Road Trip Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

Adventurous as road trips may be, they come with a certain set of risks. Whether you're embarking on a cross-country adventure or simply heading a few hours away, it's important to take extra caution on these journeys. Here are seven essential road trip safety tips that could end up saving your life.

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