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The Discoverer
Daily Discoveries
10 U.S. Towns Stuck in Time
From coast to coast, the U.S. is full of towns that have stayed true to their customs and lifestyles as the years have gone by. So next time you have the urge to escape the modern, fast-paced cities, consider these wonderful towns scattered across the country.
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Fairytale Destinations To Make You Swoon
In a world focused on innovation and technology, sometimes you have to step back and enjoy the places that refuse to keep up with the times. Check out these fairytale destinations that will bring out the romantic in you.
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7 Places Where Summer Never Ends
Whether it's a weekend getaway, sunset on the beach, or drink by the pool, we all have favorite activities when the weather is warm and the sun is shining. If you want more summer, check out these seven warm-weather destinations where the season never seems to end.
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