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The Discoverer
Daily Discoveries
10 Destinations That Have Banned Cars
There are a number of destinations around the world that have banned cars and encourage visitors to discover a place in more intimate and stress-free ways. Whether motorized vehicles have been removed to create more peaceful environments or to improve air quality, traffic-free destinations exist in varying capacities ⁠— some in the form of historic city centers or even entire islands to create an idyllic getaway.
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How You Can Help Combat Over-Tourism
The consequences of over-tourism – like ecological impacts and blows to local economies – are problems that we can all help to mitigate. Here are a few small steps we can take to make a big dent in over-tourism, which will make travel much healthier and happier for everyone.
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The Best Animal to See in Every State
Each state offers the opportunity to experience native fauna, in rescue facilities, on a sightseeing tour, or out in the wild. From marveling at bears as they hunt salmon to snorkeling alongside manta rays, you're bound to find an activity or animal on this list to plan your next trip around. Here are the best animals to spot in every state.
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