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You No Longer Have to Show TSA Your Boarding Pass at Some Airports

The next time you travel by plane, you might not have to worry about fumbling through your pockets for your boarding pass at TSA security. Here's why the TSA no longer requires certain travelers to present boarding passes at security checkpoints — and how you can take advantage of this new trick.

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These Are the World's Best-Planned Cities

It takes tremendous skill to design a city that provides its residents with functionality, navigability, and everyday convenience. The designs of certain cities exemplify these concepts and stand out above the rest. Here are six of the most well-planned cities in the world.

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Discovering the Trans Canada Trail, the World's Longest Recreational Trail

The Trans Canada Trail is the longest network of multi-use recreational trails on Earth. It stretches over 17,000 miles, connecting more than 15,000 communities across the Great White North. Here's everything you need to know.

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