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The World's Happiest Countries All Share This in Common

According to the 2024 World Happiness Report, citizens of the Nordic countries — Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, and Norway — are happier than ever. So, why all the smiles in Northern Europe? Here's a closer look.

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6 U.S. Cities With the Most Unique Architecture

The U.S. is home to a fascinating array of architectural styles and landmark buildings. From the birthplace of the skyscraper to the center of historic Puebloan adobe architecture, these six U.S. cities should be on any architectural buff's travel bucket list.

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8 Things You Probably Don't Know About Hawaii

Hawaii, aka the Aloha State, is part of an archipelago of 137 tropical islands, eight of which are considered the major islands. Did you know these interesting facts about each of the eight major islands of Hawaii?

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