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These Are the Best Waterproof Sneakers for Travel

Squishing a giant pair of boots into your bag at the expense of other travel necessities isn't ideal. Fortunately, there's a hybrid solution: waterproof sneakers. While not a complete replacement for weatherproof boots, they're easier to pack and comfortable enough to spend the day walking in. Check out three of our favorite waterproof sneakers for traveling. 

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Do You Know About These Famous, Legendary Trees From Around the World?

Sometimes, a tree is more than simply a tree. It's an awe-inspiring specimen of nature, a beloved local monument steeped in folklore, an inanimate witness to world-changing historical events… or a combination of all three.

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The Secret Lingo of Cruise Ships — and Other Facts You Might Not Know About Cruising

Many travelers don't realize just how much goes on behind the scenes on a cruise ship. From the secret lingo of crew members to the shocking length of the world's largest ship, here are eight facts you might not know about cruise ships. 

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