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The Secret iPhone Flight Hack to Use on Your Next Trip

Flying can be stressful, especially when dealing with flight delays. Thankfully, there's a simple solution that promises to make your travel day a whole lot simpler. Here's how to take advantage of this clever hack during your next trip.

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15 U.S. City Names Borrowed From Other Countries

Many U.S. city names were based on places that already existed abroad. Here are 15 fascinating U.S. cities and towns that have enthusiastically adopted the name of another place in a foreign country.

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8 of the World's Tallest Buildings Throughout History 

Dubai's Burj Khalifa is currently the world's tallest building. However, the record-breaking skyscraper has only held the title since 2010. Dozens of other phenomenal structures before it were once the tallest of their kind, from European cathedrals to ancient pyramids.

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