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Refunds for Flight Disruptions Will Soon Get Easier — Here's What to Know

Getting your money back from the airline after a flight disruption is all too frequently a headache. Fortunately, that's set to change thanks to new rules announced by the Department of Transportation regarding delayed or canceled flights, delayed bags, and other flight disruptions. Here's a rundown of what to expect.

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6 of the World's Most Beautiful Outdoor Sculpture Parks

Some art is too monumental to be constrained within even the largest gallery or museum — only the great outdoors will do. Discover six of the world's most beautiful sculpture parks.

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What Is an Exclave? Discover 6 Fascinating Border Anomalies

When looking at a map of the world, you may notice territories that are geographically separated from the nations that control them. These areas are known as exclaves — territories belonging to one sovereign state that are completely surrounded by the land of one or more foreign dominions.

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