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Perfect Road Trip? These Routes Hit 70 Degrees the Entire Time

Planning the perfect road trip can be an overwhelming task — after all, there are so many potential routes that you can take. But what if you just let the weather dictate where you traveled to? Discover the U.S. road trips that you can take to almost guarantee perfect weather the entire route.

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Is It Really Cheaper to Book Flights on a Tuesday?

The internet is filled with tips and tricks for finding flight deals — some of which have turned out to be myths. One you may have heard is that if you want a cheap flight, you should book it on a Tuesday afternoon. Find out if it's really the best time is to book your next flight. 

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Where to Find the World's Largest Salt Flats

From Australia and Argentina to Botswana and India, salt flats are found in arid regions all over the globe. These flat expanses of earth covered in salt often resemble something from another planet. Explore 15 of the world's largest salt flats.

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