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5 Relics From the "Golden Age" of Air Travel

The late 1950s marked the beginning of what many consider the "golden age" of air travel. A lot has changed since then, yet many travelers find themselves nostalgic for a seemingly more glamorous era in the skies. But was flying back then all it was cracked up to be? Go back in time to discover five things we used to see on airplanes that we no longer do.

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6 Wildly Opulent Government Buildings You Need to See

Civic structures are often designed to be statements of a nation's wealth, pride, and heritage. While some are stern and understated, many important government buildings are intentionally overwhelming in both architecture and opulence. Here are six temples to public governance to explore on your travels.

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6 Fascinating Places for History Buffs to Visit in New England

From the country's humble colonial beginnings to the opulence of the Gilded Age, New England is defined by its past. Whether you're a hardcore history buff or simply interested in learning how people used to live, here are our favorite historical sites to visit in each New England state.

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