5 Famous Events in History That Never Really Happened
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Dive deeper into fascinating, fact-filled articles from the most intriguing corners of history, science, animals, food, culture, and more. 

5 Famous Events in History That Never Really Happened | Most of us weren't in the room for history's most famous happenings. That means it just takes one slip-up or folktale — whether because of an overzealous biographer, a creative retelling, propaganda, or just a story that's easy to latch on to — to create a whole new version of events. |  |
The Surprising Meanings Behind 8 City Names | You probably know that Los Angeles means "the angels" and New York was named after a 17th-century duke, but have you ever pondered the meaning behind names like Cairo and Toronto? |  |
posted by June Lesley at 3:04 PM

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