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Daily Discoveries
10 Places You Should Live If You Love to Travel
While there's no place like home, it's much easier to set out again when home is within striking distance of several international airports, well served by public transport, and close to a couple of major highways. If your life revolves around your next trip, here are ten places to live if you love to travel.
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The Prettiest Gardens in the World
Providing a place not only for artistic expression and relaxation but also for scientific research, gardens have evolved to become a particularly crucial element of society, and an interesting addition to a travel itinerary to boot. Walk among the flowers with us in our selection of the world's prettiest gardens.
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10 American Deserts You Should Know
When you think of the desert, you might envision endless dunes, harsh sunlight, and isolated stretches of nothingness. While there's plenty of that to go around, they're also about contrast. This environment can be cruel and uninviting, with plenty of hazards – snakes, spiders, and every manner of spiny plants are common, but so are fields of wildflowers, breathtaking sunsets, and ancient rocky towers begging to be climbed. Here are 10 American deserts that you should not only know, but thoroughly explore.
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