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These Countries Are Changing Visa Requirements for U.S. Travelers in 2024

International travel can be a challenging process to navigate, especially when it comes to deciphering a country's visa requirements. If you're planning an international trip soon, you'll want to find out which countries are changing visa requirements for U.S. travelers in 2024.

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5 of the Most Stunning Gilded Age Mansions in the U.S. 

The Gilded Age was a time when America's elite showed off their wealth and success through palatial mansions — with magnificent facades and lavish interiors that epitomized the trends, style, and fashions of the era. More than a century later, many of these imposing residences are now museums, affording the public the opportunity to see how the other half used to live.

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What Countries Are the Largest States Most Similar in Size To?

Many individual states are known for their vast size. However, it can be challenging to compare the sizes of U.S. states to countries just by looking at a map. To put things in perspective, we've ranked the 10 largest states and the countries to which they're most similar in size.

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