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7 Historic U.S. Restaurants Worth the Reservation

The oldest eateries in America remind us how people gathered, ate, and drank throughout the decades. From the swinging doors of a Wild West saloon to a fine-dining establishment favored by New Orleans' upper crust, book a table at these historic establishments.

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8 Historic City Bridges You Should Cross at Least Once

Bridges criss-cross cities all over the globe. Many of these storied structures have stood for centuries; others have made their mark in a much shorter space of time.

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The French Village With a History of Living in Upside-Down Boats

Équihen-Plage, France, has an unusual claim to fame: its houses made out of upside-down boat hulls, known locally as quilles en l'air. Dive into the unique history of Équihen-Plage's upside-down boats.

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