Dating back to the fourth or fifth century CE, Chichén Itzá in Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula was once a significant city for the Maya peoples.

Chichén Itzá



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6 Spectacular Ancient Structures That Should Be on Your Bucket List

Dating back to the fourth or fifth century CE, Chichén Itzá in Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula was once a significant city for the Maya peoples.

The site was home to some 50,000 residents during its height of cultural and political power, and as the population grew, so did the city's structures. Today, the ruins of multiple temples remain, including El Castillo, the large pyramid for which Chichén Itzá is known. Visitors can also explore a steam bath, a ball court, a marketplace, and a cenote (underground cave spring) that was used as a ceremonial site. After being dredged, anthropologists found jade, turquoise, and human remains in the cenote — suggesting it may have been the site of human sacrifice.

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