Can you pronounce schneid?
Word Daily
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
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noun 1. (Gin rummy) A loss with no points scored.
Play Button "After that schneid, this will be my last hand."
Play Button "We need to break this schneid with a big win against the rivals."
Play Button "We've been on the schneid ever since the mascot jinxed the team by not doing the halftime dance."
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German, mid-20th century
Why This Word?
In German, "Schneid" is a slang word that loosely translates to "having courage or grit" in English. But "schneid" in English is far removed from that colloquialism — in the card game gin rummy, a schneid is a loss with no points scored, and the slang has extended into the world of sports to refer to a losing streak. ...
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