One of only two landlocked countries in South America, Bolivia also has two capitals.

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La Paz and Sucre



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Did You Know These 6 Countries Have Multiple Capitals?

One of only two landlocked countries in South America, Bolivia also has two capitals.

The two capitals, La Paz and Sucre, came from the country's tumultuous past when Spanish colonialists divided it into two large territories ruled from each of these cities. When the country began to seek independence from the Spanish in the early 1800s, there were internal conflicts between the Liberal and Conservative parties about which capital should govern the new country. In the end, to make peace, they decided to split the responsibilities. The executive and legislative branches of the government would stay in La Paz, while the judicial branch would remain in Sucre. According to the Bolivian constitution, the official capital is Sucre — though many consider La Paz to be the de facto capital.

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