The British Imperial System was recorded in written statutes as far back as the 14th century, when a yard was defined as three feet and a foot as 12 inches.

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United Kingdom



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6 Countries That Use Imperial Measurements

The British Imperial System was recorded in written statutes as far back as the 14th century, when a yard was defined as three feet and a foot as 12 inches.

The U.K. later adopted these imperial units on a national scale with the Weights and Measures Act of 1824. This remained the standard throughout Britain and its territories until 1965, when the country formally switched to the metric system to align with the rest of the European Union. However, after leaving the EU in the wake of Brexit, new efforts have emerged to reimplement the imperial system nationwide. Given that the U.K. has wavered back and forth between imperial and metric, it's no surprise that there's some mixing and matching between the two systems in English culture. One prominent example of how the British use imperial units are pints, which are the standard measurement for glasses of ale served up in local pubs.

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