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The Discoverer
Daily Discoveries
The Best Small Town in Each State
If you're looking for a break from whatever big city you call home, you've come to the right place. From countryside retreats to seaside ports, these are our favorite small towns in all 50 states.
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9 Destinations You Wouldn't Think to Visit - But Should
Classic cities like Paris or New York secure a spot on most travelers' bucket lists, but these overlooked cities rival their more popular counterparts in charm and exploration opportunities. Experience their balance of beauty and adventure before the masses do.
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The 24 American UNESCO World Heritage Sites Ranked
If you've been to one of the 63 national parks in the United States or have taken a school field trip to an American landmark like the Statue of Liberty, you've probably visited a UNESCO World Heritage Site and didn't even know it. There are 24 in the U.S., and we ranked them from great to greatest.
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