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Daily Discoveries
Why Do Airlines Dim the Lights Before Landing?
It's typical plane procedure for the lights to dim upon take off and landing, but have you ever wondered, why the sudden darkness? From safety precautions to lowering power consumption for the plane's engines, there are myriad reasons why the lights go down on a flight. If you're still curious, here's the story behind why airlines dim the lights before landing.
Take Off
5 Fascinating Canal Cities — That Aren't Venice
Everyone knows the romance of Venice's graceful gondolas, but Italy isn't the only place where the streets are streams and floating is the preferred method of transportation. Many cities have carved territory from canals both natural and artificial, creating pleasant spaces where commuters enjoy the splashing of paddles instead of the honking of horns. Here are a few of the most beautiful places in the world to explore via canal.
Float On
$50 Food Tour of New York City
Sampling local fare is one of the many exciting aspects of traveling to a new city, but the cost can really add up, especially if you want to try a bit of everything the destination has to offer. The good news is that sampling the essentials can be done on a budget without sacrificing taste. Today, we look at the culinary mecca of New York City. The Big Apple is known for its cheesy pizza and fluffy bagels, amongst many other dishes.
Eat Up
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