Located in France's Rhône Valley, the Roman Theater of Orange is perhaps one of the best-preserved ancient theaters in the world.

Roman Theater of Orange



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5 of the Oldest Theaters in the World

Located in France's Rhône Valley, the Roman Theater of Orange is perhaps one of the best-preserved ancient theaters in the world.

Dating back to the early first century CE, the theater was built during the reign of Emperor Augustus, a statue of whom is set in the theater's facade. Featuring seats for 10,000 spectators, the UNESCO World Heritage Site was built into the side of a hill surrounding a central orchestra pit that once housed the choir. The theater's pièce de résistance is its 121-foot-high wall, once lauded by King Louis XIV as the "most beautiful wall in my kingdom." Today, the theater still hosts performances to packed crowds, with many events free to the public.

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