Alaska contains more glacial ice than any other state.

Hubbard Glacier



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8 Epic Glaciers You Can Visit Around the World

Alaska contains more glacial ice than any other state.

Located 200 miles from Juneau, Hubbard Glacier begins on Mount Logan and flows for over 75 miles. At its juncture with the sea, its giant face measures six miles wide, making this magnificent force of nature the longest tidewater glacier in North America. When it calves, unleashing enormous ice blocks tumbling into the sea, the loud groaning and booming sounds that erupt create a musical soundtrack that the Indigenous Tlingit peoples refer to as "white thunder." To catch a glimpse of this frequent spectacle, you'll need to either float or fly. But as several popular cruise ship companies include the Hubbard glacier on their Alaska itineraries, this glacier has become a popular tourist destination despite its remote location.

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