The Discoverer
Daily Discoveries
In collaboration with Daily Passport
7 Stunning Art Deco Landmarks Architecture Buffs Should Visit
In the post-World War I era, a new architectural design craze swept across America: Art Deco. Fortunately, many of these elaborate buildings remain standing and are open to visitors today. Here are seven standouts.
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7 Things You Should Never Do on a Plane
Every frequent flier knows there are unspoken rules that everyone must abide by while on a plane. A kid kicking your seat, someone eating a particularly pungent food mid-flight, or a passenger rushing to grab their bags as soon as the plane lands, are all considered big no-nos. Whether this is your first flight, or you're a seasoned passenger, read on for our list of things you should never do on a plane.
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9 Destinations You Wouldn't Think to Visit - But Should
Classic cities like Paris or New York secure a spot on most travelers' bucket lists, but these overlooked cities rival their more popular counterparts in charm and exploration opportunities. Experience their balance of beauty and adventure before the masses do.
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