There are millions of place names on Earth. Remarkably, some are just one or two letters long. Discover seven places with the shortest town names in the world and the stories behind them.

7 Incredibly Short Town Names, From "Å" to "Y"

There are millions of place names on Earth. Remarkably, some are just one or two letters long. Discover seven places with the shortest town names in the world and the stories behind them.

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Have You Visited These Incredibly Tiny Buildings and Landmarks?

Many of us are fascinated by the world in miniature. Love a bite-sized building? Here are five of the best incredibly tiny buildings and landmarks that you should seek out on your travels.

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How 10 Iconic U.S. Landmarks Got Their Names

Not every U.S. landmark name is as straightforward as the Lincoln Memorial or the Washington Monument. Discover the surprising stories behind the names of 10 iconic U.S. landmarks.

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