The Best U.S. Town For You — Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
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What U.S. Town You Should Visit Based on Your Zodiac Sign | Is wanderlust calling but you're not sure where to go? Why not consult the stars? Whether you're a full believer in astrology or just searching for a new destination that might suit your personality type, using your zodiac can open up plenty of new possibilities for travel. No need to call your local astrologer — we've drafted up the perfect destinations for every horoscope. | |
Sponsored by FinanceBuzz | Experts Urge Americans to Transfer Their Balances Before 2024 | Did you know some credit cards can actually help you get out of debt faster? Yes, it sounds crazy. But it's true. The secret: Find a card with a "0% intro APR" period for balance transfers. Then, transfer your debt balance and pay it down as much as possible during the intro period. No interest means you could pay off the debt faster. Check out these cards today so you can focus on planning your next trip. | |
6 of the Tallest Tourist Attractions in the U.S. | From massive architectural marvels to gargantuan natural formations, America is home to a number of lofty landmarks that tower above the ground below. While anyone afraid of heights may not be interested, these locations are a must-visit for travelers looking to stand in the shadow of this country's most impressive structures and monoliths. Here are six of the tallest tourist attractions in the United States. | |
10 Things You Might Not Know Are UNESCO Protected | You've no doubt heard of, and even visited, UNESCO World Heritage Sites around the world, but did you know that UNESCO protects more than just places? UNESCO, which stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, also works to preserve languages, music, festivals, and cultural traditions around the world. Here are 10 things you might not realize are UNESCO protected. | |
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posted by June Lesley at 5:35 AM

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