Hi Friend, 

 I hope this message reaches you in good spirits. As we draw closer to the end of our initiative to support the victims of the recent attacks in Israel, I wanted to reach out one last time and thank you again for your incredible support. Your unwavering dedication to making a difference has been heartwarming and deeply impactful.

Just as a reminder, all purchases made up until noon Eastern tomorrow will be included in our initiative. If you were contemplating another purchase or know someone who might be interested, now is the moment to act.

Your support thus far has already made a profound impact, and every additional purchase further amplifies the assistance we can offer to those affected by these unfortunate events. By extending your support, you're providing more than just monetary aid – you're offering hope, compassion, and solidarity in times when it's needed most.

This is our final call to action for this initiative. Visit www.MadisonBraids.com one last time, and remember, 50% of all proceeds from eligible purchases will directly benefit the victims and their families.

Thank you for being the change, for standing alongside us, and for your unwavering commitment to bettering the world around us. We are profoundly grateful to have you as a part of our community.

Warmest regards,

Maxx Blank

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