The forests of Réunion Island formed in the wake of volcanic activity that created this island, located about 585 miles east of Madagascar, around 3 million years ago.

Réunion Island



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Where Are the World's Oldest Forests?

The forests of Réunion Island formed in the wake of volcanic activity that created this island, located about 585 miles east of Madagascar, around 3 million years ago.

Réunion Island National Park is known for massive volcanic craters located throughout the park grounds, but the park's forests are equally spectacular — with many endemic species of both flora and fauna that make these woodlands extremely unique. Réunion Island contains both cloud forests and subtropical rainforests, where you're bound to encounter a green bourbon gecko or even a bird of prey known as the Réunion harrier. The coloration of the forests include tints of red that are more rare elsewhere, reflecting the island's history of volcanic activity.

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