This long, narrow mountain range in Southern Africa gets its name from the Zulu word for "big nose," ubombo.

Lebombo Mountains


Eswatini, Mozambique, and South Africa

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6 Lesser-Known Mountain Ranges Around the World

This long, narrow mountain range in Southern Africa gets its name from the Zulu word for "big nose," ubombo.

Although the mountain range doesn't rise more than 2,600 feet, the several rivers — such as the Pongola, Usutu, and Ingwavuma — which cut through the range have created some of the most impressive gorges in the world. The dense tropical forest growth on the Lebombo Mountains thins out at lower elevations, where you can see flora and fauna characteristic of a savanna. Indeed, the mountain range's close proximity to Kruger National Park makes it an ideal location for a safari.

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