Can you pronounce annatto?
Word Daily
Saturday, August 12, 2023
noun 1. An orange-red dye obtained from the pulp of a tropical fruit, used for coloring foods and fabric.

2. The tropical American tree that yields the fruit from which annatto is obtained.
"The recipe calls for ground annatto, but I only have annatto seeds."
"You can use annatto as a natural option for a bright orange dye."
"Annatto is a tropical plant, but it has gained many usages worldwide."
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Carib, early 17th century
Why This Word?
While annatto may seem like an unusual ingredient, only found in the pantries of the most skilled chefs, it's likely in your refrigerator right now. Yellow and orange cheese, such as cheddar and colby, owe their coloring to the bright orange dye of the annatto seed. ...
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